a common parlance in the record industry to refer to music as "product."
This is a fact that would probably make John Frusciante cry. Best
know as guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Frusciante is the
epitome of the sensitive artist-tender and spacey to a degree that
is refreshing in an era of careerist hype-machines but also in a
way that has proved dangerous to himself. While on tour in Japan
with the Chili Peppers in 1992, he quit the band for six years,
during which time he was unable to make music, losing himself in
a diet of red wine, crack and heroin. "I totally lost touch
with the spirits that help me make music," Frusciante says
of that period. The Chili Peppers might have said something similar
about their period without Frusicante: There is something special
about the group's chemistry when Frusciante is in the line-up and
their two best-selling albums have been the ones he played on: Blood
Sugar Sex Magik (1991) and, upon Fruisciante's return to the Chili
Peppers, their greatest success to date, 1999's Californication.
On Frusciante's new solo album, To Record Only Water for Ten Days
(Warner Bros.), you can hear the sound of a man with nearly translucent
personal boundaries, a self so utterly given over to music that
it is difficult to tell where the guitarist ends and the song begins.
The songs are defiantly non-commercial, fragile, tenuous and pure.
They are also resolutely personal yet somehow selfless: in becoming
his own music, Frusciante loses himself. From an artistic point
of view, it's a wonderful and doggedly idealistic approach. In terms
of basic human functioning, it has nearly cost him his life. But
after years of fighting with depression and addiction, Frusciante
now says he's replaced drugs with yoga. Of course, his main fix
is still music. To Record Only Water for Ten Days is the sound of
one man saving his own life. Suprisingly, Frusciante doesn't lament
the years he abandoned music and gave himself over to drugs. Instead,
he insists that the experience was useful, and that while from the
outside he might have looked like a zombie, the internal adventure
he went on was a valuable form of self-exploration. "I was
very happy," he says. "I wasn't one of those drug addicts
who falls into it by mistake. I made a clearheaded decision that
I needed to be that way all the time. Marcel Duchamp said the only
thing he regretted was not taking better care of his teeth, and
that is my only regret: I just wish I would have brushed my teeth
every day."